Enak Diklik dan Perlu

Monday, June 15, 2009

Kampua, Mata Uang Buton Tertua di Sulawesi

Dalam sejarah kerajaan Buton di abad - 14, telah terjadi transaksi menggunakan uang. Namanya mata uang Kampua, dan beredar hingga tahun 1951. Mata uang ini tercatat di museum Bank Indonesia (BI) sebagai mata uang tertua di Pulau Sulawesi.

Sepintas mata uang Kampua terlihat seperti pulau Buton di peta. Padahal, Kampau terbuat dari tenunan serat kayu. Bentuk awalnya hanya berupa 4 jari tangan. Kemudian berubah diperbesar menjadi telapak tangan.

Mata uang Kampua dipastikan penggunaannya pada kerajaan Sultan Dayan yaitu, pada abad 14. Walaupun pembuatannya pada kepemerintahan raja sebelumnya (tidak tercatat dalam sejarah). Kala itu Kampua ini ditenun oleh putri raja. Bentuk telapak tangan tersebut adalah telapak tangan menteri keuangan di kerajaan tersebut yaitu Menteri Boto Onggena.

Kemudian, Kampua mulai diperkenalkan oleh Bulawambona, ratu pada kerajaan Buton yang memerintah di tahun 14. Pertama kali nilai tukar satu mata uang sama dengan satu butir telur. Kemudian sesuai kondisi perekonomian nilainya pun berubah pula. Di kerajaan Sultan Dayan jugalah yang mengharuskan setiap transaksi untuk menggunakan mata uang Kampau. Nilainya, satu Kampua bisa ditukar dengan satu biji telur.

Kemudian di tahun 1851, datanglah Kolonial Belanda menjajah pulau Sulawesi dan memasuki Buton. Kala itu Mata uang Kampua mulai tergusur dengan mata uang Golden milik Belanda. Namun hanya di daerah - daerah tertentu saja. Di daerah pelosok Buton Kampau masih digunakan untuk bertransaksi. Hingga akhirnya pada tahun 1951 mata uang Kampau ini diberhentikan peredarannya.

Saat ini, Kampua berada di Museum BI Jakarta. Karena hanya satu - satunya keberadaan Kampua sangat dijaga, tidak diperbolehkan tersentuh siapapun. Dalam setiap pameran pun hanya bisa dilihat melalui duplikat gambarnya. "Tidak tahu kalau di Buton. Tapi saat ini BI hanya punya satu.Saat ditemukan sudah dimakan rayap, makanya keberadaannya sangat kami jaga," terang Ernawati Jatiningrum, Peneliti BI Jakarta yang dimintai keterangan tentang sejarah uang tersebut.

Di Indonesia selain Kampua, masih ada mata uang yang lebih lama lagi penemuannya. Yaitu mata uang dari kerajaan Jenggala (Kediri). Namanya mata uang Krishnala dan ditemukan pada tahun 1222. Mata uang Krhisnala bisa diperlihatkan aslinya karena terbuat dari emas bentuknya bulat seperti biji kacang tanah. Dan tidak akan rusak jika tersentuh tangan. Di tengah Krhisnala terdapat lubang untuk memasukkan benang alat menyatukan uang yang satu dengan lainnya. "orang zaman Jenggala membawa uang ini diikat pada pinggang," katanya.

Masih banyak jenis mata uang kuno lainnya yang pernah beredar di Indonesia. Gubernur Sultra, Nur Alam bersama istri Ny Hj Tina Asnawati Nur Alam dan sejumlah pejabat kemarin sempat melihat Kampua ini. Selain Kampua, di pameran berbagai mata uang itu juga diperlihatkan proses pembuatan uang, dan cara membedakan uang yang asli dan palsu. Pameran ini juga terbuka untuk masyarakat umum yang ingin melihatnya. (Kendari Pos***)


Saturday, June 13, 2009

People bring along SBY Select Number Two

By Line: dedy kurniawan

Candidates for president from the Democratic Party, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono during campaigning in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, invites the community in the region itself and to select the Boediono which is a pair Presidential candidate and vice presidential candidates in the second presidential election on July 9 to come.

SBY claims, if thousands of people who attended Southeast Sulawesi in the campaign which was held in Gedung Olah Raga (GOR) Kendari choose him again, the development has been almost five years he will be able to do resumes.

In addition to the community choose to invite himself, in a campaign speech SBY more a matter of successes for himself to become president at this time. However, he also recognizes there are many shortages and issues that have not done it during the almost five-year reign.

Unclear whether the two candidates intend satirical competitors, says SBY proud community with Southeast Sulawesi would choose a presidential candidate who is able to provide evidence not only promise.


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Southeast Sulawesi How made the National Center for Mining

Nur Alam, said the Governor of South Sulawesi, in 2010, Southeast Sulawesi will be the central national mining industry. According to him, in terms of natural resources, South East Sulawesi can realize this.

"We have a gold mine with a range of 1 million tons of the womb. Buton Asphalt million 670 thousand tons. And the nickel matrix with millions of tons. Not to mine other minerals. With this condition, we can achieve this region became the center of national mineral industry," said the governor .

At this time, said Nur Alam, the government is being designed to realize how this program. For many rules that must be passed. One of them said, lowering the status of protected forest areas into forest production area with approximately 400 thousand hectares spread over in 10 districts and cities across South-Southeast.

"The decline in the status area of protected forests into production forests is in the process. If this can be realized, this area will soon become a center of mineral industry. With the notes will not ignore the environment," said Nur Alam.

Bambang Suroso, a member of the Board of Regional Representative of the Republic of Indonesia (DPD-RI) Bengkulu province of origin, which is also the head of the team working for Asphalt Buton, after meeting with Nur Alam, praised the potential of Southeast Sulawesi mine.

In fact, he said, if the potential of this mine is managed well, can not only society South East Sulawesi population of only 2.2 million more, can also pay the foreign debts of Indonesia.

"Southeast Sulawesi province that is extraordinary. Potential natural very great. If managed properly, debt can be paid in full Indonesia," Bambang praised.

He asks for the Governor of South Sulawesi, in managing natural resources, always thinking of people. Do not like the period before he said, managing the natural results but run out of the country. "I hope the governor does not step in managing one of mine," he added.

Secretary of Commission B DPRD Southeast Sulawesi, Yaudu Salam ajo remind the government about this issue. He said that, with the support of this program. However, the word Yaudu, also does not ignore the potential of others, such as Agriculture, Fisheries and Agriculture, which is more environmentally friendly.

He also reminded the governor, if it is realized, which should be done is to prepare Plan of Spatial Region (RTRW) Sulawesi Tenggara clear that the location of industries will be built mine. It is also important so that does not overlap with the national RTRW.


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