Indonesia First Soccer Club
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You football fans? If the answer is yes, you certainly know by heart the names of football clubs such as AC Milan, Inter Milan, Chelsea, Manchester United, Real Madrid or Barcelona. Level for Indonesia, such as the names of Persija Jakarta, PSM Makassar, Bandung Persib, Sriwijaya FC or Persipura Jayapura, you certainly remember right outside the head. But if you Indonesian football fans, whether you know the football team's first in Indonesia? Do you know the name Nedherland Indische Voetbal Unie or NIVU? Introduce you with names such as Telwe, Hukom, Pattiwael, Soedarmadji, Tan See Han, Anwar, Dorst, Bing Mo Heng, Van der Burg or Faulbab? This is their football players in Indonesia. More terrible, they play up to level World Cup in 1938.
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