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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Wakatobi Have New Airport

By Line: Dedy Kurniawan

For tourists and business that are often contradictory to Kabupaten Wakatobi, Sulawesi Tenggara, now no longer need a headache if you want to have the four years separated from the Buton Regency. For, since the date of 3 March 2009, District of Wakatobi which has Heaven Down a Sea World marine park with it coral species in the world, now have an airport that is named Matahora. In the pilot or flight test (flight test), which took place on 3 March, the aircraft owned Maskapai Merpati Airlines flight number with the MA-60, successfully conducted a test flight and landing at the airport Matahora for the initial stage has a runway as long as 1400 meters from the plan of 2100 meters.


aisyAjah.blogspot.com March 11, 2009 at 2:07 AM  

ya bang aisya masih dalam proses blajar

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