Members of the House of Kendari Signature Reject Anti-Corruption
By Line : dedy kurniawan
A total of 15 of the 30 members of Parliament Kota Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, the newly inaugurated yesterday, is expressly refused to sign a political contract containing a statement ready to fight corrupt practices.
Three of the 15 Members of Parliament who Kendari Reject Anti-Corruption Support
Strange reason they put it. Someone asked for time to learn the political contract is only a piece of thick paper, there are also claiming to be coordination and pressed by his party. But there were also rejected because the signature will not be convinced of corruption during a council member.
Well, this last reason stated by Hamida, a board member of Hanura Party. Hamida was also firmly rejected points in the political contract that states a council member who lodged a case of corruption to take off his post as representatives of the people.
Of the 30 House members are sworn in Kendari, the composition of the National Mandate Party got 5 seats, Democratic Party (4), Golkar (4), MCC (4), HANURA (4), PDIP (3), United Nations (2), PPP (1), Gerindra (1), PBR (1) and PPDI (1).
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