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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Jati Muna Giant

Jati Muna 'giant' this can still be witnessed in the area to grow reserves Napabalano District Tampo, Kabupaten Muna. Unfortunately, this live giant teak sole remaining often occur due to illegal logging practices in the area. Unfortunately, the government and the local security apparatus is not considered to maintain the maximum sustainable teak forest area in the region. 1964, teak area in Kabupaten Muna of 70 thousand hectares. However, when this area is estimated to not only to 1.000 hectares. photo: Green Press


Friday, February 20, 2009

Weight Buton Street Go North

By Line: Dedy Kurniawan
Last week, I get the opportunity to visit North Buton Regency, one of the two-level area in the Province of Southeast Sulawesi is not yet three years to stand on its own separated from Kabupaten Muna. Is not easy to achieve Ereke, which is currently the center of North Buton Regency. Stories concerning the displacement field must be to be able to in the district that, in fact true. Jeep car ride, I depart from the City of Baubau about 06.00 pm to Ereke. Asphalt roads can only be enjoyed up to the border Buton Regency. When entering the border of North Buton Regency, then surely the start.
Starting from the condition of streets full of mud hollow until I have to skip as long as 132 kilometers. Displacement field must be the way to make a jeep that I use several times stuck in the mud wallow. In fact, one of the cars that participated in the group of us can not continue the journey. See the field the way that we skip, I think reasonable people are demanding North Buton Regency separated from Muna and stand alone as autonomous district. Imagine, for 17 years people have to go through North Buton road. Residents said even if the rains come they must stay at least three days in the can until the new road in the city of Baubau. After a whole day in the car shake, right at 07.00 am, we arrived in the entourage Ereke. No longer feeling tired can be. The whole body feels stiff. But, when viewing the life of the local community. Feeling tired becomes fascinated. Simple and natural life is very clearly visible. Children of the fishermen without fear slightest drop to the sea, eager to play and shoot the boat on the roof. North Buton region itself is a region rich products. According to research the local government a number of potential mines, such as bitumen, gold, nickel and uranium stored in the belly of the earth North Buton Regency. All potential mine is up to now still waiting for a touch of investors who would like to embed investment in the region.


Jalan Berat Menuju Buton Utara

By Line : Dedy Kurniawan

Pekan lalu, saya mendapat kesempatan berkunjung ke Kabupaten Buton Utara, salah satu daerah tingkat dua di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara yang belum tiga tahun berdiri sendiri lepas dari Kabupaten Muna. Ternyata tidak mudah untuk mencapai Ereke, yang saat ini menjadi pusat pemerintahan Kabupaten Buton Utara.
Cerita soal beratnya medan yang harus dilalui untuk bisa sampai di kabupaten itu, ternyata benar adanya. Menumpang kendaran jeep, saya berangkat dari Kota Baubau sekitar jam 06.00 pm menuju ke Ereke. Jalan mulus beraspal hanya bisa dinikmati hingga perbatasan Kabupaten Buton. Saat memasuki perbatasan Kabupaten Buton Utara, perjalanan sesungguhnya barulah dimulai.
Mulai dari kondisi jalanan berlubang hingga penuh lumpur harus saya lalui sepanjang 132 kilometer. Beratnya medan jalan yang harus dilalui membuat jeep yang saya tumpangi beberapa kali terjebak di kubangan lumpur. Bahkan, salah satu mobil yang ikut dalam rombongan kami tak bisa melanjutkan perjalanan.
Melihat medan jalan yang kami lalui, saya berpikir wajar saja masyarakat Buton Utara menuntut berpisah dari Kabupaten Muna dan berdiri sendiri sebagai kabupaten otonom. Bayangkan, selama 17 tahun masyarakat Buton Utara harus melalui jalan itu. Warga bahkan mengatakan, jika musim hujan tiba mereka harus menginap paling sedikit tiga hari di jalan baru bisa sampai di Kota Baubau.
Setelah seharian terguncang-guncang di dalam mobil, tepat pukul 07.00 am, rombongan kami tiba di Ereke. Rasa lelah tak lagi bisa dikatakan. Seluruh badan terasa pegal. Tapi, saat melihat kehidupan masyarakat setempat. Rasa lelah berubah menjadi kagum. Kehidupan sederhana dan alami sangat jelas terlihat. Anak-anak nelayan tanpa takut sedikit pun terjatuh ke laut, terlihat asyik bermain dan mengobrol di atas atap perahu.
Wilayah Buton Utara sendiri merupakan daerah yang kaya hasil tambang. Menurut penelitian pemerintah daerah setempat sejumlah potensi tambang seperti aspal, emas, nikel bahkan uranium tersimpan di perut bumi Kabupaten Buton Utara. Semua potensi tambang itu hingga kini masih menunggu sentuhan investor yang mau menanamkan investasinya di daerah itu.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Wakatobi Marine National Park in South East Sulawesi

The Wakatobi is a Marine National Park comprising an archipelago of four large islands located in south east Sulawesi, Indonesia.

The Wakatobi, at 1.39 million hectares is the second largest marine protected area in Indonesia. The park encompasses stunning coral reefs, white sand beaches and an amazing wealth of whales and dolphins. Positioned at the heart of the Indo Pacific area where marine biodiversity is at its greatest, diving is truly fantastic.

Over 90,000 people live within the national park, many of whom rely on the reefs and inter-tidal habitats for their livelihoods. These peoples include many interesting cultures and histories. The objective of the marine park management is to balance the needs of the local communities whilst protecting biodiversity.
The aim of this website is to act as an independent source of information for tourists, conservationists, NGO's and anyone keen to visit this beautiful and remote setting. It is the intention of this site to remain up to date with information about the park utilising contributions from individuals, government bodies, and NGOs living and working within the locality.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Location Tours in Kendari


Dekranas is the center of the campaign that there are many in Southeast Sulawesi, including the famous craft is weaving, carving / jewelry of silver and plaited rattan / fiber orchid land. In the page. visitors can see craftsmen making handicraft items made of silver and a traditional fiber orchids. Dekranas located on Jl. D.I. Panjaitan in the center of Kendari Southeast and is the perfect place for fans of the craft and silver braid for shopping. Dekranas can be reached by public or private.

Colony Gembol
(Gembol Village)
Is a complex where visitors can see the handicrafts made of wood Gembol (Cancer sandalwood and teak) and root wood. Clock made of wood is a good souvenir to take home, in addition to tables, chairs and other goods from the timber. Location of this, PLN in the alley, next to the Southeast of the city of Kendari.

Kendari Bay
Kendari Bay has a beautiful beach around. Every afternoon at page. can be seen while enjoying the sunset different types of fish food and fuel to enter Indonesia other respective stalls and eating places that line the beach along the bay Kendari. In the afternoon / evening there is a vendor unique among South epe bananas and other typical cuisine.There are also several entertainment venues and restaurants float in Kendari Bay. At night holiday / Sunday Kendari Bay is one of the alternative options for young people who spend the night long.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tahlil and Qunut still reverberate in Benteng Wolio, Buton

By line: dedy kurniawan

The night started late. Clockwise show at 22:30. Months of nearly round temaram decorate the sky on Friday (2/6) ago.
The night started late. Clockwise show at 22:30. Months of nearly round temaram decorate the sky on Friday (29/10) ago. From the royal palace on the fortress that is now called Buton Wolio palace, visible red dots that are running near the fort. Slow-slow red dots are more numerous and continue to draw on. Finally, form a long line of red dots appeared to contain the people who bring torch.

Along with the approach line torchbearer, the more the wave of the sound was just vague. "Laa illallah god" sounds without stopping. Although the need to climb about one kilometer, the resonance continues to be vocalized tahlil between the breath puff.

"They are citizens of the city that would come in the night qunutan Buton fortress palace," said Sudarmin, Head of Information and Communication City Government Baubau.

According Anisi, Wait Naba (the ask) or a kind of public relations Masjid Agung palace, the night of the event was a habit qunutan hereditary Wolio community since 300 years ago. Formerly, other than to pray that the country secure and prosperous, the night qunutan also made to increase at between citizens, religious leaders, and the sultanate as a country and government leaders.

Once the line to enter the fortress, the more obvious forms. Hundreds of residents who take part of the torch, and some carry tray (large tray) above their heads. But not a few of them carry large baskets of rattan. "Tray and large basket which they carry the contents is sahur food to eat," said Sudarmin.

Once the main entrance gate, the fort, people go directly to the Great Mosque of Buton palace is one of the important sites in the complex of the fort. Mosque built in 1712 during the Sultan of Buton XIX named Lang Kariri this every year has become the arena qunut together.

According to Anisi, qunutan night show loyalty to this community will Wolio Buton Prophet's teachings. "Besides giving the spirit of forgiveness, when entering the period, also to welcome the arrival time Lailatul Qadar night," said Anisi.

Locals believe that the first night to the 10-Ramadan is a period of grace. Night to 11-to-20 is a period of forgiveness, and to-night 20 to the end of Ramadan is a period free from the torment of hell.

Warning qunutan night in the fortress palace Wolio times this begins with the gathering around the device Masjid Agung palace Wolio called Sara Kidina with government officials who called Sara Ogena. Then at 00.00, all together perform tarawih prayers in congregation 18 rakaat, which is then followed Prayer witir. On rakaat last time witir Prayer, the imam leading the prayer in the mosque also qunut.

What is done in the middle of the night? According Anisi, so that all prayer granted. In addition, the approach also for other important events, decrease in Al-Quran for the first time, also in the middle of the night in the early days.

After the prayer tarawih, Lakina Religion (religious leader / imam masjid agung) H. La Ode Muhammad Ihwan lead sahur events together.

In addition to ritual, there is a unique event of the night qunutan this. Food. Not only rice, vegetables, and side dish-pauk provided. But there are also typical food Wolio Buton, kambose (cooking corn seeds that have been processed) are presented together kaholeo (teri fried dried fish). Various other traditional oeuvre also presented.

City Government Baubau get any ideas. "Attempts will be made this activity into one of the tour program are Baubau town," said Mayor of Baubau, Amirul Tamim.

He was sure, many domestic and international tourists will be interested to come. Moreover, if the view of Islamic history and is still good historical region. In fact, this palace can be a religious tourism destination. Islam entered Buton Island taken by Sayid Abdul Wahid. When viewed from the history of his descendants, Sayid Abdul Wahid is the grandson of Prophet Muhammad SAW, from the marriage between Fatimah and Ali bin Abi Talib RA. (TEMPO Newspaper, 2 November 2004)


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Wakatobi, The Beauty Ekotourism Sea

Sunday, 13 April 2008 ago, a national daily reported the appointment of Nadine Chandrawinata (24), Puteri Indonesia 2005, as Ambassador Ekotourism Wakatobi, Wakatobi by the Regent Ir. Hugua. Reception held in the degree of Wangi-fragrant, the capital district Wakatobi is based on the concern of the former daughter of Indonesia over the sea and will lovely sports diving. Some time before, to discuss the daily activities the same as the image model of a photography book down the first sea made by a photographer Indonesia.

According to Nadine, willingness to receive a bid to become Ambassador Ekotourism Wakatobi because this district has one of the beautiful sea in Indonesia, even in the world. Yes, indeed Wakatobi has one of the beautiful scenery under the sea. This is evident with a Diving Resort on the island Onemoobaa. Resort Islam is the property of a Swiss citizen who has have contract for the region for 30 years. Because of its natural beauty, even that of the capital to infuse tens of thousands of U.S. dollars to increase the existing facilities.

But unfortunately, the existence of a world-class dive resort is not followed with the welfare of the population on the island and surrounding islands. An NGO reported that some of the personality of the resort, which is also the local population, make up to intimidation, along with physical violence against the fishermen who catch fish in the waters of the resort is already mastered. Despite the agreement of the fishermen to fish only prohibited using the bomb or cyanide, intimidation and beatings are still going when the fishermen to fish only with the legal tools.

This stabilizing desire Wakatobi District Local Government to immediately build a regional tour with the concept Ekotourism suit. With a former Puteri Indonesia as a spokesperson, the government hopes tourism Wakatobi sea areas under the famous not only the resort but the only personal property entirely. To support the development Ekotourism under the sea, the government has built Wakatobi Resort Kaledupa on Hoga Island, Island Resort Binongko and Resort on the island Tomia. Location of the selected dots are best for diving, snorkeling, nautical tourism, swimming, camping, tourism and culture.

Wakatobi is the abbreviation of Wangi-Wangi, Kaledupa, Tomia, and Binongko, the four largest island in the Wakatobi Regency. Wakatobi Islands area of 306,680 ha conservation area is set as the sea since 30 July 1996. Wakatobi Regency is located in the southeastern island of Buton and divided into 4 districts namely Wangi Wangi (with the capital district in Wanci), Kaledupa (in Ambeua), Tomia (Waha), and Binongko (Rukuwa). Islands that were previously called Iron Wind this around a 100,000 people.

Wakatobi district has a rich maritime potential. Overall, the Wakatobi marine store wealth as 396 coral species of the sea. The types of coral that is found among other Acrophora SPP, SPP Dendrophyllia, Favia Abdita, Echinopora Horrida, Favites spp, Heliofungia Actiniformis, Holothuria edulis, Lobophylla SPP, Montastrea spp, Mycedium spp, Millepora spp, spp Nepthea, Oulophylla Crispa, Oxypora spp, Pavona Clavus, P decussata, Platygira Lamellina, P. Pini, Porites spp, spp Porithes, Spirobranchus Giganteus, Symphyllia spp, and Turbinaria Frondens.Type fish into the sea which, among other Wakatobi Abudefduf Leucogaster, A. Saxatilis, Acanthurus Achilles, A. Aliosa, A. Mata, Amphiprion tricinctus, Chaetodon Specullum, Chelinus Undulatus, Chelmon Rostratus, Heniochus Acuminatus, H. Permutatus, Macolor Macularis (snappers), Napoleon Wrasse, Paramia Quinquelineata, Scarus Qibbus, and S. Taeniurus. Some other types of marine biota ie kima, lola, fish, turtle, and other types of.

In accordance with the concept ekowisata, the government invites active role of the community to maintain Wakatobi Regency coastal ecosystems. One of the active role of the public is not with the fish catching using bombs and poison cyanida, does not take a protected marine biota such as the green turtle, turtle shell, kima, lola, and does not take a reef into the coral reef. Local government together with some NGOs are also active in order to conduct the knowledge and awareness of the importance of maintaining the preservation of the sea.
To achieve the Wakatobi archipelago, the visitor must transit in Makassar. Of Makassar, the visitor will come during the 45 minute flight to Kendari. After that, the visitors will travel through the sea for 9 days using a motor boat to the Wanci. If that is the enchantment under the sea in the most spectacular sea Wakatobi, of which a little tiring journey will not be frightening you.

Source: From various sources


Friday, February 6, 2009

Paradise in the New Parks Celebes

By Line : Dedy Kurniawan
Thousands of people hunting golden waterway to the river valley Ite droppings. Almost equal in the womb gold miner Newmont Minahasa.

Men are queer BOS at the Government office of Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi. He does not go with a call for a sick family. Sudirman destination with his wife, is the Village Tembe, Rarowatu North District, District Bombana. Stock was not the fruit of the hands, but a shovel, frying pan, and filter.
In the village which is 230 kilometers southwest of Kendari, the Sudirman not alone. Hundreds of people are confused scramble-Ububangka River at the foot hills Raowatu for the gold. Male 41 years old is also not like to wait. Played a shovel. Sand stirred poke. After filtered repeatedly, it can be a gold ore.
Wednesday last week of Road S. Parman, Kelurahan Tipulu, Kendari West, it's three days in the noble metal of yesteryear. Gold ore is 22 grams. Results wallow in the muddy water has been moved to the hands of traders. Bag is now in the Rp 4.4 million. "Far exceeded my salary every month," said the officer II-B is.
Hunting gold is reputedly began the findings from a former employee companies. Together with his family, he was on holiday in bathing hot water Ite droppings in the Village Raurau, District Rarowatu, the first weekend of Ramadan ago. Not swim, he is interested in the texture of soil bathing and bring home some pockets of land. Once fed, the grain-grain appear gold.
Since it is, thousands of people came to the area for Aurum pan-Latin name of gold. Not only from the area around, but even from outside the South. Hearing that brought very simple: hoe or shovel to dig, and the skillet or frying pan to sift. Basis in the river also. Ite droppings, which was only a knee-high depth adults, now in some places reaching almost two meters.
Because many people, droppings Ite River valley can not afford to accommodate. Each span of land that there is no escape from the rock hoe or spade. But they also widen the gold mining region. Location of bathing, the gold hunters moved to River Ububangka and continue to the headwaters. Now the length of mine area reached 15 km which culminate in the transmigration settlement area in the Village Hukaeya, North District Rarowatu.
The many immigrants, obviously cause friction. Stories snatch land often heard. To avoid social unrest, the government do it. Besides Bombana District residents, the local government may only send the other 250 people who were given 14 days mine. After that was replaced by others. To be able to participate in a gold mine, they must have a permit issued districts each with a cost of Rp 50 ribu. Terms of main does not have job security. While waiting for the making of permit, the location of mining closed since October 7 and the new opened early this month. With the restriction that is, the Regent said Bombana Atikurrahman, penambang number of people reached 35 thousand.
The gold-hunters need not be bothered to leave Bombana honor of their sweat. Hundreds of traders have been waiting in the entrance area of mine Ububangka and transmigration settlements. In the path that crosses the National Park Swamp Aopa Watumohai this, they are the tables and scales. "Here Sir, I better prices," Agus outcry, the cattle traders banting wheel.
According to a number of traders, gold Bombana have good quality. No wonder they dare to bid the price higher. When processing net, one gram valued up to Rp 225 ribu. If, however, still looks mingled with the grain of sand, usually purchased Rp 170, Rp 200 thousand per gram.
Gold is money bak unfold this fall from the sky. Population suddenly prosperous. See sac Syafrudin. As the first group pendulang, he enjoyed a golden shimmer correct this. The first weekend he is collecting only 250 grams. Ore that has now become a form of childbirth three motorcycles. Rest to improve their houses. Go pilgrimage, to buy rice, and the plan is to build a store next.
Syahrial, Raurau of the other, no less successful. Honda's new Tiger purchased it with cash Showcase. According Syahrial, now in Bombana have such a race to buy a new motorcycle, especially in the Village and Raurau Village Toburi. Electronic goods such as television, radio, and mobile phone including the most sought after vehicles.
Consequently, the transaction from the valley of gold is fantastic value. Head of Branch Office of Regional Development Bank (BPD) of Regency Bombana, Lum Lamarundu, said many funds banknya entrance-exit in the last two weekends. "The gold that makes the BPD as a medium to send money to other regions," he said. Public savings also increased.
Enjoy the luster of gold not only pendulang. And food traders participated gerabah get windfall. Imagine: a glass of white water sold Rp 3.000, bowlful mi IM Rp 15 ribu, rice with a piece of fish and eggs Rp 30 ribu. Frying pan that is usually sold Rp 45 thousand now valued Rp 150,000. For this problem, with little of the vendor that berujar, "Not until one gram of gold." Village of motorcycles increase tariffs nearest Rp 15 ribu.
The sweetist gold pan, make a lot of people switch professions. According to Taming, Toburi residents, almost no farmer in the village who do not wash. While farming is the main profession citizens. Consequently, many rice fields and deserted. "It is very satisfactory compared to farming," said Taming the Bugis a thick dialect. In a month he got 100 grams of gold. Results that far exceeded the one-time harvest rice fields.
Bombana gold indeed arouse. According Atikurrahman, the potential for gold ore in Rarowatu reach 184 thousand tons to reach 259 with the actual part permillion. This means that in one cubic land there are 259 grams of gold ore. When the number of correctly described the Regent, said the torch geolog Bachtiar, this amount is quite large. View the location of gold ore in the river, there was a torch estimate location primernya. "Usually, the greater potential," said the torch.
A manager in the multinational gold mining company, said earlier if the number is correct, there is a possibility of gold in the womb feet Celebes is equivalent to 1.6 million troy once. This proactive approach of PT Newmont Minahasa gold of 1.8 million troy once. "Investors certainly interested in," he said. Tit for tat. Southeast Sulawesi governor Nur Alam that some investors have been found and he was welcomed with open. If that is realized, the gold mining may be the people that will end.
Tempo Weekly News Magazine -- 24 November 2008


14 of Afghanistan threatened prison 6 Year

Afghanistan 14 people a night earlier arrived in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, threatened criminal six years in prison. The inspection team from the Indonesian police, combined with Australian Federal Police and the Immigration office Kendari, 14 of Afghanistan is it violates the law because immigration into India without valid documents equipped.

Head of the Police Regional Southeast Sulawesi, Djoko Satrio brigadier general, said, at this time to the examination of 14 of these continue to be made.

Meanwhile, 26 of Afghanistan and Pakistan other, up to now is still on hold and reviewed in the City of Baubau. Police have little difficulty in the process of examination because no one from the residents that speak English.


Thursday, February 5, 2009

14 immigrants Dark Moved to Kendari

As many as 14 of Afghanistan and Pakistan origin who arrested yesterday in the City of Baubau, this evening arrived in the port of Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi. Not yet known why the police to separate the 14 people with 26 colleagues who until now is still on hold in the city of Baubau. Police refused to give their own description. Police barred journalists even tried to take pictures.


Mosque in the Center for Earth

By Line: Dedy Kurniawan

Number of buffer main pillar of the Great Mosque Wolio same segment with the number of human bones.

Masjid Al-Mu'min Muqarrabin Syafyi Shaful better known by the name of the Great Mosque Wolio fortress complex located in the royal palace Buton, Baubau, Southeast Sulawesi. This mosque was built during the government of Sultan Sakiuddin at Darul Nature 1712.

Experts believe the Great Mosque Wolio is the oldest mosque in Southeast Sulawesi. However, there is actually a mosque that was built over the old government in the first Sultan of Buton, Kaimuddin Khalifatul Thursday Murhum or Sultan (1427 - 1473). Only, the mosque was burned in the civil war in the Sultanate of Buton. Next, Sakiuddin Darul Sultan Alam, who has won the war, built the Great Mosque Wolio to replace the destroyed mosque burnt. Many local people who believe, the Great Mosque Wolio built on pusena ground (earth center). Pusena land a door in the underground cave that is located right in the back of the mihrab.

Pusena land called because the door is a vertical cave reputedly heard the sound of the azan Mecca, Saudi Arabia. There is another myth that says, if melongok in pusena hole, one can see the parents or relatives who have died.

However, all the stories that people be debated Imam of Masjid Agung Wolio, La Ode Ikhwan, 65 years old. According to him, that there are holes in the mosque that is actually a secret door that was built purposely to save his family and the Sultan of Buton if the enemy attacked.

Ikhwan had confessed to entering the hole. In the hole, he said, there are five secret way that leads to a number of places in the fort complex. One way is the secret to the south through the fort, not far from the tomb complex of Sultan Buton.

When the mosque was first rehabilitated in the period of Sultan Muhammad Hamidi the 1930's, before I closed the door so that the cement liangnya become small and rounded ball of foot. "To have no other cause of public perception, and the hole is closed at the top made the priest led the prayers," said Ikhwan.

In the architecture of the Great Mosque Wolio measuring 21 x 42 meters kentalnya envisaged that the influence of Islamic architecture in the Java Island in the Sultanate of Buton. Evidence is a form of the roof of the mosque pile (Joglo).

Mosque architecture has a philosophical meaning closely related to humans. When people have a head, body, and feet, the Great Mosque Wolio have a representative on the framework of the head, the main building as a symbol of the body, and the foundation as the embodiment of feet.

Same with the Buton fortress palace which has 12 gates, the number of windows in the Great Mosque Wolio 12 units. Figures 12 is a symbol that in the human body there are 12 holes. The main pillar of the amount of buffer mosque or 313 units with the same number of bones in the joint body. Unlike the other mosques that are usually put beduk outdoor mosque, the Masjid Agung Wolio beduk placed in the middle of the room mosque. This placement is a parable in the heart of the human body. Meanwhile, the mosque is the mihrab symbol organs human heart. There is a four step toward mihrab are four main friends of the Prophet. Great Mosque Wolio arranged over three floors, all connected with the wood stairs. Floors one and two was used for prayers, while the third floor as a place to store goods inventory. But now, one floor living that is still used for worship. "We are concerned about two-storey building will collapse if many members of the congregation prayed on it," said Ikhwan.

To enter the room to the mosque, visitors must go through a round of 19 units. Simbolisasi happen again. Number of children of 17 is the symbol of the overall number of rakaat in prayer five times two plus tahiyyatul mosque rakaat Prayer (Prayer when entering the mosque).

At the top of the stair, there is a crock containing the water. Formerly crock this work as a place to accommodate the water that is used to berwudu. But now functions only as a decoration the mosque.

Current ditiupkannya spirit by the Creator in the creation of man is represented with the management of the mosque amounted to 16 people, consisting of a caddy (lakina religion), a priest, preacher four (hatibi), and 10 people Bilal (moji).

Number 16 is considered as the number of life (sperm). Because, at the time of embryo aged 160 days, God breathed the spirit of life to him. Up to now, the mosque, both names, tasks, and the amount, still maintained as the Sultanate of Buton.

According to the Mayor of Baubau Amirul Tamim, not any person can be appointed into the device mosque. "They selected and be incused by religious and community leaders," he said. Therefore, the device was selected as the mosque is a thing that plume.

Besides as a place of prayer, the Great Mosque Wolio where the religious traditions of the local community that can be packed as a tourist attraction. One tradition that is still turned on haroa (ceremonies commemorate the birth of Prophet Muhammad) and selamatan Idul Fitri and Idul Adha.

Traditionally, haroa conducted individual or group of families who are blood related. Individual organizers invite one another, are quite far to the family, friends, and acquaintances. The ceremony filled with lyric-poetic reading praise of the Prophet Muhammad (litany) and closed with prayer.

Up to now, the mosque that he more than three centuries that is still used by the community. Not limited to live around the mosque, but residents and city Baubau Buton Regency. "If the Sunday, the prayers here are coming from far away," said Ikhwan. (Koran tempo edition 5 Nov 2006)


Wednesday, February 4, 2009


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