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Saturday, February 7, 2009

Wakatobi, The Beauty Ekotourism Sea

Sunday, 13 April 2008 ago, a national daily reported the appointment of Nadine Chandrawinata (24), Puteri Indonesia 2005, as Ambassador Ekotourism Wakatobi, Wakatobi by the Regent Ir. Hugua. Reception held in the degree of Wangi-fragrant, the capital district Wakatobi is based on the concern of the former daughter of Indonesia over the sea and will lovely sports diving. Some time before, to discuss the daily activities the same as the image model of a photography book down the first sea made by a photographer Indonesia.

According to Nadine, willingness to receive a bid to become Ambassador Ekotourism Wakatobi because this district has one of the beautiful sea in Indonesia, even in the world. Yes, indeed Wakatobi has one of the beautiful scenery under the sea. This is evident with a Diving Resort on the island Onemoobaa. Resort Islam is the property of a Swiss citizen who has have contract for the region for 30 years. Because of its natural beauty, even that of the capital to infuse tens of thousands of U.S. dollars to increase the existing facilities.

But unfortunately, the existence of a world-class dive resort is not followed with the welfare of the population on the island and surrounding islands. An NGO reported that some of the personality of the resort, which is also the local population, make up to intimidation, along with physical violence against the fishermen who catch fish in the waters of the resort is already mastered. Despite the agreement of the fishermen to fish only prohibited using the bomb or cyanide, intimidation and beatings are still going when the fishermen to fish only with the legal tools.

This stabilizing desire Wakatobi District Local Government to immediately build a regional tour with the concept Ekotourism suit. With a former Puteri Indonesia as a spokesperson, the government hopes tourism Wakatobi sea areas under the famous not only the resort but the only personal property entirely. To support the development Ekotourism under the sea, the government has built Wakatobi Resort Kaledupa on Hoga Island, Island Resort Binongko and Resort on the island Tomia. Location of the selected dots are best for diving, snorkeling, nautical tourism, swimming, camping, tourism and culture.

Wakatobi is the abbreviation of Wangi-Wangi, Kaledupa, Tomia, and Binongko, the four largest island in the Wakatobi Regency. Wakatobi Islands area of 306,680 ha conservation area is set as the sea since 30 July 1996. Wakatobi Regency is located in the southeastern island of Buton and divided into 4 districts namely Wangi Wangi (with the capital district in Wanci), Kaledupa (in Ambeua), Tomia (Waha), and Binongko (Rukuwa). Islands that were previously called Iron Wind this around a 100,000 people.

Wakatobi district has a rich maritime potential. Overall, the Wakatobi marine store wealth as 396 coral species of the sea. The types of coral that is found among other Acrophora SPP, SPP Dendrophyllia, Favia Abdita, Echinopora Horrida, Favites spp, Heliofungia Actiniformis, Holothuria edulis, Lobophylla SPP, Montastrea spp, Mycedium spp, Millepora spp, spp Nepthea, Oulophylla Crispa, Oxypora spp, Pavona Clavus, P decussata, Platygira Lamellina, P. Pini, Porites spp, spp Porithes, Spirobranchus Giganteus, Symphyllia spp, and Turbinaria Frondens.Type fish into the sea which, among other Wakatobi Abudefduf Leucogaster, A. Saxatilis, Acanthurus Achilles, A. Aliosa, A. Mata, Amphiprion tricinctus, Chaetodon Specullum, Chelinus Undulatus, Chelmon Rostratus, Heniochus Acuminatus, H. Permutatus, Macolor Macularis (snappers), Napoleon Wrasse, Paramia Quinquelineata, Scarus Qibbus, and S. Taeniurus. Some other types of marine biota ie kima, lola, fish, turtle, and other types of.

In accordance with the concept ekowisata, the government invites active role of the community to maintain Wakatobi Regency coastal ecosystems. One of the active role of the public is not with the fish catching using bombs and poison cyanida, does not take a protected marine biota such as the green turtle, turtle shell, kima, lola, and does not take a reef into the coral reef. Local government together with some NGOs are also active in order to conduct the knowledge and awareness of the importance of maintaining the preservation of the sea.
To achieve the Wakatobi archipelago, the visitor must transit in Makassar. Of Makassar, the visitor will come during the 45 minute flight to Kendari. After that, the visitors will travel through the sea for 9 days using a motor boat to the Wanci. If that is the enchantment under the sea in the most spectacular sea Wakatobi, of which a little tiring journey will not be frightening you.

Source: From various sources


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